Posts tagged dance competition
Progress Over Perfection

Practice Makes Perfect: A phrase we have all heard a million times (especially in the dance studio). This is one of the oldest mottos used in studio culture but when you really think about it, is perfection even possible? We are placing unattainable expectations on ourselves, our dancers, and our children. At The 360 we focus on creating an environment where progress is valued over perfection. 

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A Dance Competition That's More Than A Trophy

I was a competition dancer for 12 years. Almost every weekend of competition season from ages 6 to 18, my family would pack up the car with costumes and props and head to a different hotel ballroom or high school auditorium to compete with my team for the first-place trophy. I knew from the age of 6 that dance was going to be my life. I worked hard, trained hard, and I won big. But all of a sudden, when I started working professionally, I quickly learned nobody cared about the trophies I won. 

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